Recap: Studio Tours | Gravitate

Established in 1999, Gravitate has been around for almost 20 years. In the digital agency space, that’s longevity – a testament to their ability to produce industry-changing digital experiences for their clients.

Gravitate’s office in Vancouver, WA

Six years ago Gravitate came across a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity: 10,000 sq ft of open space in downtown Vancouver. A car dealership had previously operated in the building, leaving the foundation for an open, collaborative environment for the team. Their buildout has provided all the features one would love to see:

  • Theatre room with oh-so-comfy seating
  • Breakout space with whiteboard walls
  • Ping ping table
  • Massively wonderful conference room
  • Hangout space with beer on tab and an area perfect for napping

Gravitate's Space in Vancouver, WA.

Gravitate's Space in Vancouver, WA.

Gravitate's Space in Vancouver, WA.

Open layout with architecture to split up teams

Architectural features arrange teams to facilitate collaboration. Private offices do not have exterior windows, an intentional design choice to make the most of natural light for the entire team. With a strong focus on collaboration and communication, it has been crucial for Gravitate to create a space where its team members can feel comfortable working together.

The better you understand the practices and skills, the better you understand your coworkers.

Gravitate's Space in Vancouver, WA.

Gravitate's Space in Vancouver, WA.

Work structure

Gravitate runs the gamut in digital marketing, pulling together small teams that can work together quickly, and collaboratively to do the best possible work for their clients. Their approach focuses on learning first from their clients and using research to understand better the potential they can create through digital experiences.

Gravitate's Space in Vancouver, WA.

Gravitate's Space in Vancouver, WA.

Gravitate's Space in Vancouver, WA.

Learn more about Gravitate

You can learn more about Gravitate from their website:

Some of their most recent projects:

Photography by Jay Buezo. You can view the entire album here: AIGA Portland Flickr.

By Duncan Lawrence
Published February 2, 2018
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