If you wish to report an incident, please contact a member of the AIGA Portland Board or use the anonymous reporting form.
AIGA Portland Code of Conduct Policy
Adopted January 3, 2023
AIGA Portland is Committed to Providing a Welcoming and Inclusive Environment.
This policy applies to all of our members, attendees, volunteers, board members, speakers, sponsors, or others engaged with AIGA Portland. It is designed to clearly communicate the standards of behavior we are bound to and the process for reporting violations of these standards. We are committed to having an inclusive community that embraces different perspectives and viewpoints, and we are equally dedicated to providing a safe and productive experience for those who participate in AIGA Portland. Everyone deserves to be treated with respect. Misconduct including, but not limited to, harassment in any form, will not be tolerated.
Guiding Principles
BE OPEN-MINDED. We can find strength in diversity. Different people have different perspectives on issues, and that can be valuable for solving problems and generating new ideas. Being unable or unwilling to understand why someone holds a viewpoint doesn’t mean that their viewpoint is wrong. We all make mistakes, and blaming each other doesn’t get us anywhere. Instead, we stay focused on assuming best intent, resolving issues, and learning from mistakes.
BE PATIENT AND COURTEOUS. We are operated by a board of unpaid volunteers. All work is done on an extracurricular level. The board operates as swiftly as possible, but please keep in mind that most board members maintain full-time jobs, support families, and have other personal commitments outside of AIGA Portland. Delays are inevitable. Unless there is an “immediate action ask,” work will be accomplished when the team is available.
BE KIND. Choose your words carefully and do not harass others. Always conduct yourself with integrity and respect. Do not insult or put down others. In general, if someone asks you to stop something, then stop. When we disagree, try to understand why. Differences of opinion and disagreements in a community of creatives are going to occur. What is important is that we resolve disagreements and differing views constructively and respectfully.
General Conduct
We expect everyone in our organization to exercise common sense and courtesy for the benefit of community members, volunteers, board members, and the organization as a whole. We also expect respect for the safety and security of people and property. The following are examples of unacceptable conduct. Please note that it is not an exhaustive list.
Inappropriate Conduct
- Conducting oneself in a manner endangering the health or safety of another person
- Exhibiting disorderly conduct including, but not limited to, abuse of controlled substances or overt intoxication
- Bringing weaponry, firearms, dangerous chemicals, or any materials specifically banned by the chapter and/or venue space to an AIGA-sponsored activity or event
- Defacing property
- Any social media posting that reflects any of the above behavior
- Advocating for or encouraging any of the above behavior
- Ad hoc behavior as determined through a rigorous investigation process
Harassment is generally defined as any behavior that alarms or threatens another person or group, or any behavior that causes excessive discomfort to other people or breaks any applicable law. Harassment will not be tolerated. Physical, visible, verbal, or perceived actions are all forms of harassment that can be subject to further investigation. We appreciate your help in making our community a safe environment for everyone.
Harassment may include, but is not limited to, the following:
- Harassing, physically or verbally threatening, or physically or verbally abusing any person because of, but not limited to, that person’s race, ethnicity, age, gender, religion, marital status, disability, sexual orientation, or viewpoint.
In addition to the above, we also will not tolerate any form of sexual harassment. Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other unwanted verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Sexual harassment also can occur when a person is subjected to discriminatory intimidation, ridicule, or insult by another person in a sufficiently severe or pervasive way that creates an abusive environment or an environment where the person feels uncomfortable. Sexual harassment may include a range of subtle and not so subtle behaviors, and may involve individuals of the same or different gender. Other examples of behavior that might constitute sexual harassment, depending on the circumstances, include, but are not limited to, publicly indecent behavior; repeated and unwelcome sexual jokes, innuendo, advances, or propositions; repeated and unwelcome graphic commentary about an individual’s body, sexual prowess, or sexual deficiencies; repeated leering, insulting, or obscene comments or gestures; and other physical, verbal, or visual conduct of a sexual nature.
The safety, well-being, and reputations of our members and participants are of the utmost importance. If someone engages in behavior that violates this Code of Conduct Policy, you are urged to report the behavior through by emailing board@portland.aiga.org. If you need or prefer an anonymous form of communication, please contact one of the Executive Committee members (President, Vice Presidents, Treasurer or Operations Director)
AIGA Portland Code of Conduct Reporting Form
If the behavior you are reporting involves a member of AIGA Portland’s current Executive Committee (President, Treasurer, Vice President, or Operations Director as listed here), you should report the violation to AIGA National’s Audit & Ethics Committee through their online reporting form below. This form allows submitters to remain anonymous if they wish. If such a complaint occurs, please see aiga.org/aiga/content/about-aiga/aiga-code-of-conduct/ for details on the AIGA National association investigation process. You may also reach out to AIGA National’s staff with any Code of Conduct or reporting-related questions at: chapters@aiga.org.
AIGA National Audit & Ethics Reporting Form
Compliance and Results
Participants asked to stop any harassing behavior are expected to comply immediately. Remember that “no means no.” If someone asks you to stop speaking about a particular subject or to leave them alone, please do so.
Violations of the Code of Conduct Policy may result in immediate removal from an event or suspension from a digital space. All AIGA Portland board members are responsible for acting swiftly based on their knowledge of this Code of Conduct Policy at events. Any additional consequences will be evaluated through an investigation process and can include, but are not limited to, the following outcomes:
• Suspension or banning from AIGA Portland events
• Suspension or removal from AIGA Portland digital spaces
• Blocking from AIGA Portland social media channels or accounts
• Removal from AIGA Portland volunteer or board service
• Recommendation to the AIGA National association for removal of AIGA membership
Reported violations of the Code of Conduct Policy will be initially reviewed by members of AIGA Portland’s Executive Committee to determine if an investigation is necessary. If the violations involve a member of the Executive Committee, then they must instead be reported to the Audit & Ethics Committee as listed above in the “Reporting” section to avoid a conflict of interest. An investigation is not always necessary when the violation is apparent or done publicly.
The goal of an investigation is to gather information about what happened, the context in which it happened, and how it affected the individuals directly involved. This allows the members of the board to be as informed as possible so they can determine appropriate consequences if needed.
- If the accusation involves an AIGA Portland board member, members of the AIGA Portland Executive Committee chosen for impartiality will investigate and create a report for the AIGA Portland Board of Directors that are not directly involved in the accusation. Consequences will be determined by a majority vote of this subset of the board.
- If the accusation involves a member of the AIGA Portland Executive Committee, it should be reported to AIGA National’s Audit & Ethics Committee. They will investigate per their process outlined here: aiga.org/aiga/content/about-aiga/aiga-code-of-conduct/
- If the accusation involves anyone else involved with the organization, members of the AIGA Portland Executive Committee chosen for impartiality will investigate and create a report for the full AIGA Portland Board of Directors in a confidential session for consideration. Consequences will be determined by a majority board vote.
The investigation process does not require the person reporting the misconduct to speak directly to the person they are accusing, or to be identified if they request to remain anonymous. If an investigation is necessary, the process does require that the investigating team notifies the accused person of what the allegations are so they can share their response with the investigation team. This response will be included in the report presented to the board.
When reporting to the board for consideration, the investigation committee will include recommended potential consequences and/or actions to be taken by the board for discussion. Board members will be asked to excuse themselves if they feel they cannot be impartial in the discussion of the proposed consequences or actions. Any impartial board member is welcome to suggest alternative consequences and/or actions for consideration. Once the board has discussed all of the information and recommendations, consequences and/or actions will be determined by a majority vote of the impartial members of the board and carried out by a member of the Executive Committee.
Board members, advisory council members, volunteers and committee members, and speakers and workshop leaders are held to additional standards outlined below.
Board Members
Board members are held to the highest standard as representatives of the AIGA Portland chapter, and in duties outlined by the Oregon Department of Justice for nonprofit board member service. In addition to the behavior outlined above, board members are also responsible for the following:
CREATING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS. Board members are in the position of managing committees, volunteers, partnerships, and events. Abuse of power (defined as the misuse of their position of power to compromise or take unjust advantage of individuals or the organization) and/or harassment (defined above) will not be tolerated. Additionally, board members should address any behavior that violates this Code of Conduct Policy seen between other members of the community by intervening directly and/or reporting it per this policy.
REPRESENTING AIGA PORTLAND WITH INTEGRITY. Board members are expected to represent the values of the chapter, day in and day out. Defaming the chapter or sharing private information entrusted to board members is not only unacceptable but also violates the standards for nonprofit board service in Oregon. Board members must not engage in conflicts of interest that can put the chapter at risk.
PROTECTING AIGA PORTLAND ASSETS AND FINANCES. Board members are given the responsibility of making purchases, handling money, and caring for AIGA Portland equipment. Remember, AIGA Portland is a registered 501c3 and board members are accountable to the chapter, to the community at large, and to the State of Oregon for financial abuses.
VACATION/TIMES OF LIMITED AVAILABILITY. Board members planning to go on vacation or who have an upcoming time of limited availability should inform the board and relevant volunteers of the dates and ensure the tasks they are assigned have been delegated. When possible, please provide at least a two-week notice.
Violations by board members can result in removal from one’s position. This requires a majority vote by the Board of Directors. If deemed necessary, a board member can be suspended by the members of the Executive Committee conducting the investigation until it is resolved.
Advisory Council Members
Advisory council members are held to the highest standard as representatives of the AIGA Portland chapter. In addition to the behavior outlined above, Advisory council members are also responsible for the following:
CREATING A SAFE ENVIRONMENT FOR ALL PARTICIPANTS. Advisory council members are in the position as ambassadors when interacting with committees, volunteers, partnerships, and at events. Abuse of power (defined as the illegal misuse of their position of power to compromise or take unjust advantage of individuals or the organization) and/or harassment (defined above) will not be tolerated. Additionally, advisory council members should address any behavior that violates this Code of Conduct Policy seen between other members of the community, by intervening directly and/or reporting it according to this policy.
REPRESENTING AIGA PORTLAND WITH INTEGRITY. Advisory council members are expected to represent the values of the chapter, day in and day out. Defaming the chapter or sharing private information entrusted to advisory council members is unacceptable. Advisory council members are to reveal and not engage with conflicts of interest that can put the chapter at risk.
Violations by advisory council members can result in a removal from one’s position. This requires a majority vote by the full AIGA Portland Board of Directors. If deemed necessary, an advisory council member can be suspended by the members of the Executive Committee conducting the investigation until it is resolved.
Volunteers, Committee Members, and Chairpersons
Without our robust team of volunteers, AIGA Portland would not be able to operate as we do today. Volunteers, committee members, and chairpersons are at times exposed to similar information and responsibility as board members. Due to this responsibility, they are held to a similar, but more limited, standard.
- Volunteers can not make any purchases unless given explicit permission in advance by the board member leading the committee or the Treasurer.
- If a volunteer is entrusted with private information, they must keep it private. Protecting the privacy and information of our community is of the utmost importance.
- Volunteers must not abuse any additional responsibilities given to them such as managing a social media account or having access to AIGA Portland equipment.
- Chairpersons planning to go on vacation or who have an upcoming time of limited availability should inform their board director and other relevant volunteers of the dates and ensure the tasks they are assigned have been delegated. When possible, please provide at least a two-week notice.
- If there are additional volunteer responsibilities not covered by this Code of Conduct Policy, it is up to the board member overseeing the volunteer to provide clear expectations for these.
Violations can result in removal of the volunteer from their position.
Speakers/Workshop Leaders
If a speaker, workshop leader, or otherwise invited guest of AIGA Portland participates in any of the outlined behavior outside of an AIGA Portland event, the Executive Committee may deem them to be held responsible for those actions. If someone who AIGA Portland has invited to speak or lead an activity has exhibited behavior that violates this policy, please report the behavior as soon as possible. Guests of AIGA Portland may have their invite rescinded to represent the chapter if they are found to have harassed individuals in the past or have engaged in behavior that makes our members uncomfortable.