Spring was in full effect during our dMob #OPENHAUS2018. The great weather didn’t prevent The Collab from keeping the party going inside the Lagunitas Community Room. Attendees enjoyed fresh poured drafts compliments of Lagunitas and delicious sliders provided by Crave Catering. An Open Haus wouldn’t be complete without a slew of raffle prizes generously donated by Coffee Beer, Wacom, Fiction Tribe, Nucleus Gallery and many more.

View all photos from dMob OPEN HAUS on the AIGA Portland Flickr page. All photos by Patrick Hart.
Volunteer with AIGA Portland
So, you might be curious why we host an Open Haus every year? AIGA Portland is an entirely volunteer-run organization. Without people pouring their love, sweat, and (occasionally) tears into organizing dozens of events each month—this creative community wouldn’t exist!
If you’re interested in lending your skills to AIGA Portland, please email volunteer@portland.aiga.org for more information.
Join the AIGA Portland Board
Our Board members really step up to the plate and lead this incredible team of volunteers. Guess what? We’re expanding our board and we’re looking for people like you to jump aboard.
Nominations for board positions are currently being accepted for the term beginning July 1, 2018 and ending June 30, 2020. Self-nominations are encouraged and are due May 15, 2018. Fill out this form and send your resume and short cover letter to mike@portland.aiga.org.
AIGA membership at the Sustaining level or above is required to serve on the Board. If you are not yet a member, you can join here.
Thank you to all who enjoyed and contributed to another epic dMob #OPENHAUS. See you again soon!
Thank You to Our Sponsors & Volunteers