We did it! dMob: #OPENHAUS2017. Special thanks to Lagunitas Brewing Company for the Lagunitas Community Room and the extra tasty beverages. We would also like to give a big thanks to GIFFFFBOOTH and their awesome set up. Lastly, a BIG shout out to our raffle sponsors who provided huge prizes for the night: Adobe, Scout Books, Draplin Design Co., Nemo Design, Lisa Congdon, Patchmarks and Pentagram!
OK. Let’s recap. There was food. There was beer. Sweet tunes by DJ Coast2c. There was A TON of dMob freebies from past, present, and future. Not to mention the entire AIGA Portland Board turning up to give anyone and everyone all the info there is to know, from being a volunteer to being a board member, all the way to the membership benefits. If you didn’t make it, or if you did, but lost that note you wrote on that napkin that got lost in the wash:
Here is the skinny on our awesome board positions: Nominations for Director positions are now being accepted for the term beginning July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2019. Self nominations are encouraged. Nominations are due April 18, 2017. Apply here! Membership in AIGA at the Sustaining level or above is required to serve on the Board. If you are not yet a member, you can join here.
Here is the best way to get involved as a volunteer: volunteer@portland.aiga.org for more information!
Before we sign out. Let’s give a big thanks to our volunteer team who helped us out all night, and to our volunteers who help us everyday! Your event is coming… .

For more gifs visit the dMob GIFFFFBOOTH gallery.

For more pics of dMob OPEN HAUS visit our Flickr. Photos by Taylor Adkins.