May is as good a month as any to explore the frontier of art, technology and culture, right? You bet your ass it is.
From the website:
The Wild is a series of events that takes on the gritty, indie, gettin’-shit-done world of artists, makers, writers and cultural iconoclasts who are doing the creative work that juices up our fair city’s awesomeness.
The event list is pretty awesome—there are salons and workshops for font geeks, fabricators, audiofiles, comic nerds, hackers and woodblock race car enthusiasts—for 15 straight days of creativity throughout May.
While these events would manifest on their own, it’s certainly convenient to have The Wild present them under one big umbrella. And that so many different forms of media are represented here is a testament to the Portland creative community’s commitment to collaboration. But don’t bask in our awesomeness just yet—go register for some events!