Digital Dialogues with Owen Jones

Digital Dialogues started off with a creative bang when the likes of Owen Jones came by to discuss their 2012 feat – the evolution of the Urban Airship brand and new website development.


How do you evolve a brand and build a site at the same time and do it all in around 12 weeks? Owen discussed their methodology of working all the way from the strategic and the aesthetic down to very specific types of execution. They told AIGA that tight deadlines can sometimes be key in making big things happen (fast). This was vital as they brought the brand back to life with a new logo, extensive illustrations, and other secondary brand assets, while re-architecting their product platform and re-writing most of the site content.

The presentation began with Rusty Grim (co-founding partner at Owen) discussing the three main “must haves” that drive success on projects like this. Rusty was followed by Josh Balleza (principal designer on the project) who discussed the aesthetic evolution of Urban Airship brand involving content creation. The third act was presented by Lucas Swick (technical lead on the project), who suggested strategies for working under aggressive timelines by streamlining processes, understanding the project’s critical path, and rushing early.

The end deliverable was the large and powerful marketing website,

You can download the presentation deck or view it online.

By aigaportland
Published April 30, 2014
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