DWP | League of Women Designers Pop-Up Design Show Opening

Have you ever wondered if you can sustain your personal design work after your day job? The League of Women Designers (LWD) looks this question in the eye in their annual pop up design show “Periphery” as part of Design Week Portland 2017.

Periphery explores how personal work comes to life on edges or in the outskirts of women’s professional design lives, and opens with a panel discussion on the topic.

Join LWD next Friday, April 28th, in the Olympia Mills building lobby to check out work from fifteen local LWD designers, followed by the panel chat with designers Laura Allcorn, Abbie Miller, Sara Schmidt and Rena Simon moderated by Sara Huston.

About The League of Women Designers

The League of Women Designers was launched in 2009 by local designer Kari Merkl, as a means of pooling the energy of creative individuals who happened to be women. There was no agenda; there was no manifesto. It was and still is a forum for women designers to meet, either physically or virtually, to share their thoughts and ideas concerning their professional design practice, process and inspiration.

LWD has grown organically to three chapters: LWD Chicago chapter in 2011 and LWD NY in 2016. Like the Portland group, the goal is to foster a network of like-minded designers: to harness the collective energy that comes from members of the group.

LWD is open to all women practicing in the professional design field. This may include but is not limited to: Architecture, interior design, industrial design, graphic design, design education, fashion design, design/build, design fabrication, and art practitioners who feel their work or process connects with the design process.  For information about joining the group please contact LWD here.


Design Show April 27th-30th, 8am-8pm – Free

Panel Discussion Friday, April 28th, 7-8:30pm – $5 general admission. Purchase tickets. 


Olympic Mills Lobby – 107 SE Washington St. Portland, Oregon 97214

More about the participating designers

Show Curator: Sara Huston
Co-curators: Emily Steen and Kate Mackinnon

Periphery designers at League of Women Designers Portland's Pop-Up Show


Media Sponsor: GRAY Magazine

Show Graphic By: Marilee Sweeney of Gastronaut Design.

When & Where
Fri, Apr 28, 2017 7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Olympia Mills Building
107 SE Washington St.
Portland, Oregon 97214