Tuesdays and Thursdays | 5pm–6pm | May 18th through June 22nd
We’re inviting recent and upcoming graduates to join us online for roundtable portfolio review sessions with local industry experts.
AIGA Portland’s Annual Portfolio Review, THE MIX, connects recent/upcoming design graduates with established professional designers in the community through a series of portfolio review sessions. Designed to be a roundtable experience, THE MIX brings together three recent or upcoming graduate presenters to sit with two professionals and dig into their work. Process discussion is encouraged, and presenters will have the chance to ask reviewers portfolio questions without the pressure of a job interview. New and upcoming graduates will gain professional insights and feedback about their portfolios, while professionals are introduced to the next generation of upcoming design talent!
How the review sessions work:
- Review sessions are held via Zoom every Tuesday and Thursday from 5–6pm, May 18th through June 22nd
- Each review session will include 3 presenters, 2 reviewers, and an AIGA Education Committee member (or members) to facilitate the session
- Each presenter will get 20 minutes to share and discuss 3 projects of their choice with the full group
Who can get their portfolio work reviewed:
- THE MIX is open to design students who graduated in 2020 or will be graduating in 2021
- Reviews are only open to folks currently living in Oregon, or planning to move here in the next year
- In order to share the love, reviews are only available to folks who have not participated in THE MIX before
How to apply to get your portfolio reviewed:
To get your portfolio reviewed in THE MIX, you must apply for individual sessions as they are announced.
- Every Friday at 10am on AIGA Portland’s Instagram we will announce the MIX sessions and reviewers for the following week
- Follow the instructions in the Instagram post to apply for the sessions
- Review spots are filled on a first come, first served basis. The first 3 folks that apply and meet the requirements are in!
Questions? Want to be a reviewer?
Reach out to the AIGA Portland’s Education Director Angela Espersen at angela.espersen@portland.aiga.org