AIGA Portland Member Meetups
Member Meetups are an opportunity for AIGA members in the Portland area to come together for casual gatherings and unique experiences.
All AIGA Members Welcome
You are able to register for Member Meetups as long as you are an AIGA member. If you are visiting from out-of-town, we would love to have you at one of our events.
Not yet an AIGA member?
If you would like to attend an event but are not yet a member, please reach out to our AIGA Portland Membership Director to talk about opportunities to attend. We would love to invite everyone in the Portland community to join us, but often there is a cost incurred by AIGA Portland at these events which is covered by membership dues.
Member Meetups Contact
Do you have questions about the program or an idea for a Member Meetup event? Please contact our AIGA Portland Membership Director Haley Riley at haley.riley@portland.aiga.org and they will be in touch soon.