Rules of Engagement

It’s a few days before Thanksgiving, which means we’re about to begin consumption season. In that spirit, here is Kate Bingaman-Burt—the obsessive consumption enthusiast—talking at TEDxPortland from April 2013.

But Bingaman-Burt isn’t just about consumption. She needs rules to cut through the chaos of ideas. Ed Ruscha inspired her: “It became rules that I knew I had to follow. Then it was just a matter of being a good little art soldier and finishing it.”

“Rules help me structure my workflow. They keep me making and they keep me moving,” says Bingaman-Burt. I can relate. Achieving a zen-like workflow through a bout of frustration or anxiety is a magical thing. Sometimes, rules rule.


And, Kate, Ricky Henderson is the greatest base stealer of all time

By Michael Buchino
Published November 21, 2013
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